WordPress Rental theme is a multipurpose solution for the hotel and vacation rental industry. 由同类最佳的高级MotoPress WordPress属性预订插件提供支持.
Sales: 119
Support: 3.7/5


做物业经理已经够难的了. 与租客打交道无疑是件令人头疼的事. 然而,为了让人们知道你的服务,你需要一个好的网站. The problem is that you probably don’t have time to build a website from scratch while also doing your job. 因此,你可能想要创建一个带有属性管理WordPress主题的网站. 它们有很多好处!


创建WordPress主题 and Features

你是否在出售一套房子, 代表房地产, 照顾公寓大楼, 或者只是一般的房地产经纪人, 您的网站可能会受益于WP物业管理主题. No, 他们不会帮你管理房子和公寓, 但他们会使网站建设过程更容易. If you purchase these WordPress templates and plugins, web design is made fast, easy, and it makes your website look much better too.

首先,这些主题可以让你以非常酷的方式展示你的投资组合. There are tons of different layout options like slideshows and picture galleries that you can put to use to show potential clients exactly what you have in your arsenal. 您可以添加许多不同的小部件,如约会簿, clocks, calendars, and other things, 所有这些都有助于使您和访问您网站的任何人的生活更轻松.

One of the best things that we have to say about these property management WordPress templates is that they are fully responsive right when you download them. 它们几乎可以在任何浏览器、操作系统和任何设备上运行. People often want to view website on the go, such as when they are travelling to and from work. Therefore, 重要的是,他们可以从他们的手机或平板电脑上查看你的网站, 这就是他们用这些WordPress网站建设工具得到的东西吗.

关于这些主题的另一个整洁的部分是,它们总是经过SEO优化. This means that your real estate website will always be at the top of the search results whenever people look for your niche business. The fact that these tools are so easy to install and download is another big bonus that should not be overlooked. The whole point here is to help streamline the site building process so you can get back to property management.

Something that you might really appreciate is that these templates come with full 24/7 support. No, 你可能不是一个网站建设专家, 但templatemmonster的工作人员肯定是. 网站确实会出现问题, and when they do, you can rest assured that the friendly support staff will always be there to lend a helping hand.

WordPress上有各种各样的财产维护主题. They all come with a ton of benefits to turn your site from something basic into something fantastic. 如果你需要增加流量, 展示你的作品和属性, 做一个很棒的网站, 你来对地方了.

Be sure to browse our 房地产WordPress主题 扩大选择的数量,在你的搜索一个完美的主题.


Template Name Price Sales Collections
homeelist -房地产WordPress主题 $85 71 125
Villagio -物业预订WordPress主题 $75 85 127
Estadoz -房地产代理WordPress主题 $75 73 61
Oceanica -酒店预订WordPress主题 $75 62 93
艾米莉亚沃伦-房地产WordPress主题 $75 76 88


Oceanica is a right way to create an elegant online presence of the hotel establishment and serve the needs of modern travellers



多用途主题的集合一直在扩展和增长. 这些数码产品 Monstroid and Monstroid2 are the top WordPress themes that are ready to be used for a range of niche-specific sites.


A child theme is a WordPress theme that inherits its functionality from another WordPress theme, the parent theme. One of the most outstanding examples of WordPress themes featuring a rich collection of child themes is Monstroid2.


  • 登录到你的WordPress管理区.
  • Next, click on Appearance >> Themes.
  • 使用高级搜索查找所需的主题.
  • 在主题预览的旁边,有一个安装按钮.
  • 一旦主题被安装,激活它.



  • 登录你的WordPress管理面板.
  • Navigate to Appearance > Editor
  • 在样式表(样式)中.css)文件更改主题名称:themeXXXXX到您的名字.


WordPress主题模板文件是用PHP和HTML编写的,以文件扩展名结尾 .php. 您博客的所有独特信息(包括您的站点名称), your blog posts, 以及每一条评论)都存储在MySQL数据库中. 使用编程语言PHP从数据库检索该信息. Then, the retrieved information is displayed via your theme's template files, using HTML and CSS.